Bicentennial Estates
Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 4735
Lincoln, NE 68504-0735
One of Lincolns Best Neighborhoods
Welcome to BENA
Our neighborhood is a vibrant community made up of 369 properties. The neighborhood boundaries are: Philadelphia Drive in the North, North 20th Street in the West, North 25th Street in the East, and Superior Street in the South. The large green space running through the middle of BENA is our Commons Area. The Commons Area is a 14 acre private park with playground and half-court basketball area for all of our members to enjoy.

This is BENA!
We Are Looking For New Board Members, If Interested Please Contact Us
Follow Us on Facebook for Updates to Upcoming Events
We are very proud to announce that we hired Grafton & Associates to take over the bookkeeper responsibilities for BENA

Upcoming Events
Board Meeting:
January 21st
February 18th
March 18th
April 15th
Annual Meeting May 20th
June 17th
July 15th
2025 Easter Egg Hunt - Canceled
Spring Clean Up
March 15th at 10am
Spring Garage Sales
May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd